Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I Can Drink Any Woman Pretty

Latest word about The Arnold is that he only fooled around with women that others might think are not so attractive. And people have a theory about this.

One theory is that The Arnold felt that the plainer women would be more excited about his own physique, but sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. Right?


Another theory is that by announcing this supposed preference for plain (or just damn ugly!) women, then The Arnold would not suffer the TWS (Tiger Woods Syndrome) wherein all sorts of bimbos then step forward to claim their moment of fame.

Yet another theory is that The Arnold simply did not drink enough. As Todd Snider once wrote, "I can drink any woman pretty." Maybe The Arnold did not drink enough tequila.

Then, again, doesn't his wife resemble all the other women in the Kennedy lineage? Not one of them could be called a raving beauty.

All of which reminds me of yet another classic.

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