Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved!

First off, happy birthday Joseph Schlitz! And thanks for one beautiful beer. Better to have one of those today rather than a glass of that mouthwash they call the Mint Julep. If it's such a trendy drink, how come the kids haven't screwed with the basic ingredients, the way they do with margaritas, mojitos, and martinis. Did someone say "'Ritatini"? Bite me.

But I digress.

Here it is derby day, where the track will be filled with more horse's asses than horses. Still, I am reminded of two wonderful works of art.

First is the Marx Brothers 1937 classic film, "A Day at the Races," which might just as well be called "A Day at the Racists" if viewed through the prism of today's mores. Frankly, you haven't lived until you've seen the brothers Marx in blackface and dancing swing with Whitey's Lindy Hoppers . . . to a tune called "All God's Chillun Got Rhythm." No, I have not yet begun to drink today, and I am not making this up. See for yourself right here:

The second work of art is a piece by my dear, departed colleague, Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, before he wrote Fear and Loathing and before he became a doctor. "The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved" is Hunter's first foray into gonzo journalism. You can read it here:

Okay, let's go grab all the gusto we can get and pop open a tallboy of Schlitz. Happy birthday, Joe.

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