Monday, May 16, 2011

"Why Me?" vs "What, Me Worry?"

Whenever I see Nancy Kerrigan on TV these days, I immediately flash back to a simpler time, 1994, when all we had to worry about was Whitewater and Kerrigan's tearful lament, "Why Me?"
Of course, the nation was riveted with the notion that some trailer trash would try to hobble the ice princess and deny the USofA its Olympic gold. More importantly, though, it put the Tony Kent Arena in South Dennis on the newsmap, along with the Gull Wing Suites in Yarmouth (is that West or South?)
Anyway, if you've forgotten Kerrigan's covers on Newsweek and TIME, then you can find the whole story in Sports Illustrated. Here's a snippet.
Stant flew out of Portland the next day, Dec. 29, on a 6:37 a.m. American Airlines flight to Dallas, then caught a connecting flight to Boston. Smith had given him some expense money, the photograph of Kerrigan, a computer printout with background information on Kerrigan and directions to the Tony Kent Arena in Dennis, Mass. Stant was scheduled to return on Jan. 3. They figured that would give him plenty of time to carry out the attack.
But almost immediately things began to go wrong. Stant registered at the airport Hilton in Boston using a credit card. When he tried to rent a car with the card, he was refused, since it was issued in Leslie Thomas's name. Stant had inadvertently grabbed his girlfriend's credit card when he left Phoenix.

Stant called Thomas and asked her to send his card to Boston as soon as possible. It didn't arrive until 6 p.m. the next day, Dec. 30. Stant spent another night at the Hilton, then, on New Year's Eve, drove his rented Chevrolet Cavalier to Yarmouth on Cape Cod, a distance of 80 miles. Kerrigan skated that day but left the Tony Kent Arena by 1:30 p.m. By the time Stant had checked into the Gull Wing Suites, which was 6½ miles from the arena, Kerrigan had already departed; she was on her way to spend the New Year's weekend with her parents in Stoneham, outside Boston. Kerrigan and Stant, traveling in opposite directions, may have passed each other on Route 6.

For the next two days Stant staked out the arena, moving his car to a different location in the lot every half hour.

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