Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ohio's Twist-off Genius Gave Us Australia's Video

Here's reason for quaffing a cold one today.

On this date back in 1987, Fairfield, Ohio's John C. Henning applied for Patent No. 4,782,969: The Twist-off Bottle Cap!

Really, now, doesn't it seem as though this thing has been around longer than 24 years?

Aside from rendering useless that bottle-opener key chain, J.C. Henning spared us all the pain of watching guys attempting to pry open their longnecks with their teeth. Ptew!

Here's Australia's take on the invention.

Of course, there is sometimes a downside to these inventions. Beer snobs (read "craft beers") claim that twist-offs don't seal as well as the pry-off caps and can let oxygen into the bottle. Then, again, the pry-off cap technology is a lot more cost-effective for the smaller brewers.

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