Thursday, April 28, 2011

Reality check . . .

Okay, so what's better than an OT win in Game 7?

Duh! A win in Game 6 that would have spared  you all that anxiety.

But while you are breathless from the President's escape from The Donnie's "silliness" (before jetting off to be with Oprah), or while you are seriously thinking of chugging a liter of Beefeater's for breakfast just to get into the festive spirit of tomorrow morning's relentess tv coverage of the Royal Puddin'heads, or if you're thinking that the Pats might draft Cam Newton tonight, I do wish that you would stop all that madness for at least sixty seconds right now.

In the event that there actually is anyone reading my usual nonsense, I do wish that you would take one minute from everything else you are doing today and give some thought to the folks who are being devastated by this week's storms, as well as to the families of those who are in your nation's armed services as you are reading this. 

Nearly 200 people died in storms during the past 24 hours, and 10 Americans were gunned down in Afghanistan. There are thousands of Americans this morning who are suddenly homeless. And there are fathers and mothers and sisters and brothers and neighbors and co-workers who find themselves without someone whom they always believed would return home, at least alive . . . if not in one piece. They all could use your support, and your prayers might help.

So, the Bruins won. Big deal. Same for Obama and Trump and Will and Kate and Will and Grace and Kate and Allie, plus Eight is Enough. 

Say a prayer for others, and thank God for whatever you might have.

And if you did read this, maybe you should pass it along. Or retweet or whatever it is you do.

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